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Commands and shortcuts#

Apart from the commands listed in the Keyboard Shortcuts section, LSP also provides more generic commands in the Command Palette:

  • LSP: Restart Server: restarts running language server belonging to the active window
    • This command only works when in a document with a running server.
  • Preferences: LSP Settings: opens LSP settings
  • Preferences: LSP Key Bindings: opens LSP key bindings configuration - see Keyboard Shortcuts
  • LSP: Enable / Disable Language Server Globally: enables or disables chosen server globally (you can disable a server globally and enable it only per project, for example)
  • LSP: Enable / Disable Language Server in Project: enables or disables chosen server for the current project (the project must be saved on disk first using Project -> Save Project As...)
  • LSP: Troubleshoot Server: allows to troubleshoot chosen server to help diagnose issues
  • Preferences: LSP Language ID Mapping Overrides: opens settings that define how to map the file's syntax scope to language server languageId identifier (advanced)

Execute server commands#

For LSP servers that can handle workspace/executeCommand, you can make these commands available in Sublime's Command Palette by adding an entry to your existing *.sublime-commands file or by creating a new one.


  // ...
    "caption": "Thread First",
    "command": "lsp_execute",
    "args": {
      "session_name": "LSP-pyright",
      "command_name": "thread-first",
      "command_args": ["${file_uri}", 0, 0]


  • the session_name is required and needs to match the server's key within the clients configuration object.
  • the command_args is optional depending on the workspace/executeCommand that are supported by the LSP server.

You can include special variables in the command_args array that will be automatically expanded. Supported variables include Sublime's built-in ones (see the full list in the Build Systems documentation) as well as additional variables listed below. Note that the built-in variables will be expanded regardless of where they are in the array and also within nested arrays or objects while the variables listed below will only be expanded in the top-level array values and only if those values match exactly (will not match if they are sub-strings of values):

Variable Type Description
"$document_id" object JSON object { 'uri': string } containing the file URI of the active view, see Document Identifier
"$file_uri" string File URI of the active view
"$selection" string Content of the (topmost) selection
"$offset" int Character offset of the (topmost) cursor position
"$selection_begin" int Character offset of the begin of the (topmost) selection
"$selection_end" int Character offset of the end of the (topmost) selection
"$position" object JSON object { 'line': int, 'character': int } of the (topmost) cursor position, see Position
"$line" int Zero-based line number of the (topmost) cursor position, see Position
"$character" int Zero-based character offset relative to the current line of the (topmost) cursor position, see Position
"$range" object JSON object with 'start' and 'end' positions of the (topmost) selection, see Range
"$text_document_position" object JSON object with 'textDocument' and 'position' of the (topmost) selection, see TextDocumentPositionParams